323 research outputs found

    On the derived category of 1-motives

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    This is the final version of the 2007 preprint titled "On the derived category of 1-motives, I". It has been substantially expanded to contain a motivic proof of (two thirds of) Deligne's conjecture on 1-motives with rational coefficients, hence the new title. Compared to the 2007 preprint, the additions mainly concern an abstract theory of realisations with weight filtrations; Deligne's conjecture is tackled though them by an adjunction game.Comment: 242 pages - revised before acceptatio

    On the derived category of 1-motives, I

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    We consider the category of Deligne 1-motives over a perfect field k of exponential characteristic p and its derived category for a suitable exact structure after inverting p. As a first result, we provide a fully faithful embedding into an etale version of Voevodsky's triangulated category of geometric motives. Our second main result is that this full embedding "almost" has a left adjoint, that we call \LAlb. Applied to the motive of a variety we thus get a bounded complex of 1-motives, that we compute fully for smooth varieties and partly for singular varieties. As an application we give motivic proofs of Roitman type theorems (in characteristic 0)

    A note on relative duality for Voevodsky motives

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    Let X be an n-dimensional smooth proper variety over a field admitting resolution of singularities, and Y,Z two disjoint closed subsets of X. We establish an isomorphism M(X-Z,Y) isomorphic to M(X-Y,Z)^*(n)[2n] in Voevodsky's triangulated category of geometric motives. Here, M(X-Z,Y) is the motive of X -Z relative to its closed subset Y

    Sharp de Rham realization

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    We introduce the "sharp" (universal) extension of a 1-motive (with additive factors and torsion) over a field of characteristic zero. We define the "sharp de Rham realization" by passing to the Lie-algebra. Over the complex numbers we then show a (sharp de Rham) comparison theorem in the category of formal Hodge structures. For a free 1-motive along with its Cartier dual we get a canonical connection on their sharp extensions yielding a perfect pairing on sharp realizations. We thus provide "one-dimensional sharp de Rham cohomology" of algebraic varieties.Comment: 30 page

    Deligne's Conjecture on 1-Motives

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    We reformulate a conjecture of Deligne on 1-motives by using the integral weight filtration of Gillet and Soul\'e on cohomology, and prove it. This implies the original conjecture up to isogeny. If the degree of cohomology is at most two, we can prove the conjecture for the Hodge realization without isogeny, and even for 1-motives with torsion.Comment: 41 pages published versio

    Tensor structure for Nori motives

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    We construct a tensor product on Freyd's universal abelian category attached to an additive tensor category or a tensor quiver and establish a universal property. This is used to give an alternative construction for the tensor product on Nori motives.Comment: Revised & updated version, 23 page

    Crystalline realizations of 1-motives

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    We consider the crystalline realization of Deligne's 1-motives in positive characteristics and prove a comparison theorem with the De Rham realization of liftings to zero characteristic. We then show that one dimensional crystalline cohomology of an algebraic variety, defined by universal cohomological descent via de Jong's alterations, coincide with the crystalline realization of the (cohomological) Picard 1-motive, over perfect fields.Comment: 54 pages, exposition improved, references & appendix adde

    Nori 1-motives

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    Let EHM be Nori's category of effective homological mixed motives. In this paper, we consider the thick abelian subcategory EHM_1 generated by the i-th relative homology of pairs of varieties for i = 0,1. We show that EHM_1 is naturally equivalent to the abelian category M_1 of Deligne 1-motives with torsion; this is our main theorem. Along the way, we obtain several interesting results. Firstly, we realize M_1 as the universal abelian category obtained, using Nori's formalism, from the Betti representation of an explicit diagram of curves. Secondly, we obtain a conceptual proof of a theorem of Vologodsky on realizations of 1-motives. Thirdly, we verify a conjecture of Deligne on extensions of 1-motives in the category of mixed realizations for those extensions that are effective in Nori's sense